Guard Family Team Building (GFTB)

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Guard Family Team Building (GFTB)

The GFTB Program is designed for everyone: Service Members, Spouses, Parents, Children, Retirees, Civilian Employees, and interested Community Members. It helps the Guard “family” by teaching all aspects of life associated with the military, specifically the National Guard.

Guard Family Team Building is a specially designed education and training program for and about the National Guard community.

Program modules cover a wide variety of topics most often requested by families and National Guard leadership. It is modeled on the successful “Army Family Team Building” program and still tied to it through funding and guidance at the Department of the Army level. However, GFTB has been specifically developed to educate and empower those within the National Guard Community.

Online Learning Center

Interested in completing training online? Visit our Learning Center and start online training today! Once you Enroll, you can access your course in your personal My NGB-FP section of this site.

Guard Family Team Building (GFTB)
Online Course Catalog
Minimum System Requirements

Our Mission

GFTB will increase family self-reliance, which will promote individual and Unit Readiness, Family Readiness, and Well-Being.


  • Provides training for volunteers to be instructors at the local level
  • Provides instruction by various means to all families
  • Is an ongoing and progressive program meeting the needs of Guard Families
  • Provides peace of mind for the deployed Guard Member by promoting family preparedness and self-reliance through training
  • Is an inviting, exciting and enjoyable training experience

Program Goals

  • Promote Family Readiness through programs designed to provide:
    1. Introduction to the National Guard
    2. Preparedness and Confidence Training
    3. Team Building
    4. Leadership Skills Training
    5. Problem-Solving Skills Training
    6. Networking Support
  • Deliver continuous and progressive programs to meet the needs of the Guard Community
  • Create an exciting and rewarding training experience
  • Enhance Family Readiness of Guard Members


©Copyright 2006, National Guard Family Program

