How to Get Weed Out of Your System: Myths vs. Effective Techniques

Here we look at ways how to get weed out of your system and THC-based substances in general. Nowadays, US workplaces have varying laws on drug testing. For instance, in states where marijuana is legal, current employees are not tested for weed. On the other hand, states that do not have weed legalized still have a no-tolerance policy against weed-positive employees or recruits.
In general, one needs to be careful when they are applying for a place of work or when one works in a health-related or safety-important workplace. It applies to healthcare institutions, government offices, the transportation industry, and so forth. In such places, one may also be tested during their period of employment if any incident occurs that endangers the safety of employees or customers. For those seeking detoxification solutions, products like Toxin Rid pills or Detoxify Mega Clean drink are commonly considered. These products are designed to help eliminate toxins from the body and may be used as part of a comprehensive approach to passing drug tests.

Toxin Rid Pills Banner

Toxin Rid Pills

  • Three-part detoxification system with pre-rid tablets, liquid detox, and dietary fiber
  • The most popular product among customers
  • 7 detox programs for ANY level of toxin exposure
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Testclear Urine Simulation Kit with Powdered Human Urine and Heater Banner Urine Simulation Kit
(Powdered Human Urine+Heater)
  • It’s real drug-free human urine
  • For people who don’t have time for a detox
  • All you need to pass a test in one pack: real urine powder, a medical vial, a temperature strip; two air-activated heaters
  • It’s undetectable
Detoxify Mega Clean Banner Mega Clean Drink + PreCleanse Pills
  • Effective for high toxicity levels
  • Cleanses system within 3 hours! Urinary, circulatory, and digestive detox
  • Works indiscriminately on all toxins
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How Long Does it Take to Get Weed Out of Your System?


Some concepts or claims that help detox the body of THC are myths such as:

  • Sweating it Out

This is a myth that one can sweat out toxins from their body. Though it does detox the body, however, THC metabolites will not be removed by this method. That is because drug metabolites attach themselves to the fat tissue in the body. Hence, it takes much more effort and time to remove such toxins from the body. These cannot be simply sweated out from the pores of the body. One needs to combine the same with effective pills like Toxin Rid, drinks like Detoxify Mega Clean, or supplements designed for THC detox.

  • Drinking Lots of Water

Though it is an essential part of any detox method – cannot help ensure that one’s system is rid of toxins. That is also true when one is a frequent weed user and is subjected to urine or hair follicle drug tests. When one’s urine is too diluted can lead to more extensive testing of one’s urine sample.

  • Drinking Cranberry Juice

This fruit juice offers several benefits. For instance, it helps steep up the body with vitamins such as C and E. It also helps prevent and heal urinary tract infections. However, it cannot guarantee the removal of THC drug metabolites from the system.

Common Natural Detox Process after Stopping Marijuana Use

If you wish to detox your system from THC or seek the quickest way to get weed out of your system, you need to remember the following strategies:

  • Abstain from Weed Usage

This is especially important for frequent or regular weed users who need to do the same at least 2 to 3 weeks before a drug test.

  • The Timeline to Be Clean Will Differ

For instance, for a first-time or infrequent user, the period is 3 days to detox; however, for a frequent user, it would take a month or more.

  • Cleanse and Follow a Healthy Diet

To cleanse one’s system it is important to have a lean, healthy diet to get rid of fats from the body; it is important to have a high-fiber diet that will help one remove such toxic elements from their body naturally. Enhance detoxification with products like Toxin Rid pills or Detoxify Mega Clean drink, designed to support the body’s natural processes and aid in the removal of toxins.

  • Stay Active

Since drug metabolism adheres to fat tissues in the body, one needs to get rid of excess fat by exercise and an active detox program. It also helps people to overcome side effects such as nausea, depression, and lack of sleep are usually signs of withdrawal when one abstains from weed usage.

What Are the Best THC Detox Methods?

Not all products available for THC detox produce the results they claim. Hence, one should be wary of the claims made by manufacturers, especially of products that do not have any customer reviews or feedback.

Detox drinks are popular in this market segment. However, the fast-acting immediate solutions for ways to clean out your system in 24 hours mask the metabolites in drug tests more than removing them from the body. One reliable and detoxifying drink for THC is Detoxify Mega Clean. Many products combine pills and drinks with high-fiber supplements.

Another working method is using detox pills like Toxin Rid. The mechanism of its work is similar to detox drinks. But mostly these two types of products are used in a bit different timeframes before the urine test. THC detox pills would be a great option for those who have more time before a drug test or those with light THC exposure (in such cases 1-day detox would be enough). The reason is that detox drinks work well for masking THC metabolites in the human body while detox pills work well for actual THC detox

For instance, Detoxify Mega Clean detox drink will work well for moderate cannabis users right before the drug test ( it should be drunk 2 hours before the test). If your goal is to detox from THC properly, then Toxin Rid detox pills (there are 1-to-10 day detox programs) would be a great and reliable option not only to pass a drug test but also to detox your body and feel fully refreshed.

So, Detox Pills Work?

  • Pills such as Toxin Rid are fast-acting and reliable for the fastest way to get THC out of your system.
  • Most capsules are herbal ingredient-based and safe.
  • They combine with drinks, water, and supplements to offer effective detoxification.
Toxin Rid Pills Banner

Toxin Rid Pills

  • Three-part detoxification system with pre-rid tablets, liquid detox, and dietary fiber
  • The most popular product among customers
  • 7 detox programs for ANY level of toxin exposure
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Testclear Urine Simulation Kit with Powdered Human Urine and Heater Banner Urine Simulation Kit
(Powdered Human Urine+Heater)
  • It’s real drug-free human urine
  • For people who don’t have time for a detox
  • All you need to pass a test in one pack: real urine powder, a medical vial, a temperature strip; two air-activated heaters
  • It’s undetectable
Detoxify Mega Clean Banner Mega Clean Drink + PreCleanse Pills
  • Effective for high toxicity levels
  • Cleanses system within 3 hours! Urinary, circulatory, and digestive detox
  • Works indiscriminately on all toxins
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How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?

Drug tests and their detection ability are different for THC compounds in one’s body:

Drug Test Detection Timeline
Saliva Test When cannabis substances are consumed within 2 to a maximum of 48 hours.
Blood Test Detects weed or related substances in the bloodstream within 24 hours after ingestion; maximum up to 7 days.
Urine Test Can be detected from 3 to 15 days after ingestion.
Hair Follicle Test Can detect drug metabolites in the system up to 90 days after use.
  • Urine Sample Tests

Such tests can detect THC metabolites in first-time users within 3 days of usage. For frequent or regular users it can be detected within 15 to 30 days of usage.

  • Saliva Swab Tests

These tests can detect weed in one’s mouth after immediate consumption, usually within hours of consumption.

  • Hair Follicle Drug Tests

This is the most effective test that can detect THC in one’s system, even after 90 days after usage.

  • Blood Tests

Usually detect cannabis in the system within 24 hours. It can detect cannabis in heavy users for up to 7 days.

The Role of Body Processing in Detection Times

Those who have higher body weight will need more time to detox their system. That is because drug metabolites attach themselves to adipose tissues. It is important to detox the liver and kidney to remove drug metabolites from the body.

Water Consumption and its Limitations in Detox

Though drinking lots of water is a good way to detox the body, it can make someone fail a urine drug test. That is because the urine becomes too dilute. Also, drinking water alone cannot help remove THC metabolites from the system. Hence, one should combine drinking lots of water with detox drinks like Detoxify Mega Clean, pills like Toxin Rid, or supplements.

Debunking Home Remedies

There are myths about home remedies that can help one pass a drug test:

  • Drinking Plenty of Water

This will only dilute the urine and make the urine tests more diluted, leading to the chance of more extensive tests.

  • Exercising and Sweating it Out

One can expect to pass a urine drug test if they have exercised and followed a healthy diet for a long. However, overnight it cannot help one pass such a test.

Choosing the Best THC Detox Methods

The following points can act as a checklist for people to decide on the detox method for themselves:

  • Drug Test Type

The product you use can differ as per the drug test you are about to face as well as the timeline you have to detox.

  • THC Exposure

Products are designed for light, moderate, or heavy weed users.

  • Brand Reputation

Check for the effectiveness of a product as per reviews.

  • Ingredients

Ensure that the ingredients are safe for your consumption and that you are not allergic to any of the substances mentioned on the product label.

  • Directions on How to Use it

These should be easy to follow and you should have adequate time to follow them. Detox products such as Toxin Rid pills and Detoxify Mega Clean drink are the easiest to use. They have very simple instructions for use, and they help to mask the presence of drug metabolites in your body in the shortest possible time.

  • Main Advantages

Compare and choose a product that stands out from the rest.

  • Cost

Choose a product as per your budget.

How to Get Weed Out of Your System?

Some steps on how to get weed out of your system fast are as follows:

  • Sauna Therapy

This helps to sweat out toxins from the body.

  • High-Fibre Diet

It is an effective way to detox your system and better your overall wellbeing.

  • High Detox Liquid Intake during the Day

This will help users urinate and detox their system faster.

  • Exercising

This encourages fat loss and sweating which are effective ways to get weed out of the system.

How to Get Weed Out of Your System Fast for a Drug Test?

If you have a drug test coming up fast, a more effective solution would be to mask the drug metabolites. You can try any of the following solutions,

  1. Consume a detox drink like Detoxify Mega Clean, Gatorade, or Certo Sure Jell before a urine test.
  2. Wash your mouth with hydrogen peroxide before a mouth swab test.
  3. Eat a pizza that has fats to take away drug metabolites from the mouth.
  4. Use vinegar, salicylic acid, and Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo before a hair follicle test; however, this is a time-consuming remedy that damages the hair and scalp. Hence, unless one is a heavy weed user it is a method that is best avoided.
Toxin Rid Pills Banner

Toxin Rid Pills

  • Three-part detoxification system with pre-rid tablets, liquid detox, and dietary fiber
  • The most popular product among customers
  • 7 detox programs for ANY level of toxin exposure
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Testclear Urine Simulation Kit with Powdered Human Urine and Heater Banner Urine Simulation Kit
(Powdered Human Urine+Heater)
  • It’s real drug-free human urine
  • For people who don’t have time for a detox
  • All you need to pass a test in one pack: real urine powder, a medical vial, a temperature strip; two air-activated heaters
  • It’s undetectable
Detoxify Mega Clean Banner Mega Clean Drink + PreCleanse Pills
  • Effective for high toxicity levels
  • Cleanses system within 3 hours! Urinary, circulatory, and digestive detox
  • Works indiscriminately on all toxins
See Deal →

Conclusion – How to Get THC Out of Your System?

Since THC detoxification depends on different factors ensure that you consider the points mentioned above when you are researching how long does it take to get weed out of your system. You should choose a remedy as per the level of usage and the time you have to detox.

In general, one should be patient when detoxing their body from weed metabolites. There are detox centers that prescribe medicine as per the level of dependence one has developed on cannabis substances. Whether one is opting for prescription medicine or herbal detox, one should take sufficient time for the process. During the time of detoxification, one should lead a healthy life including exercise, a healthy diet, and an active lifestyle.

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