Step 6: Reunion & Reintegration

Easing the Transition


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It may seem surprising, but reunion, like deployment, can be a stressful time. Questions and concerns of what to expect are mingled with the excitement of seeing your Guard Member again. The military recognizes the importance of supporting Guard Members and their families during the reunion process and offers various resources to help them navigate this transition. One such resource is the mat clinic in Oregon, which provides specialized care and treatment for Guard Members who may be experiencing difficulties readjusting to civilian life. The clinic’s goal is to help Guard Members achieve a successful recovery and reintegration with their families and communities. With this in mind, the military offers Reunion briefings to both you and your Guard Member that can assist in this process.

These briefings also cover changes in:

Reunion: Not Just a Single Event

There are several phases that Reunion follows:

  1. Preparation period, when service members prepare to come home
  2. “Honeymoon period” lasts several days after the homecoming
  3. Period of disruption, when some challenges might surface
  4. Adjustment period, during which new routines, roles, and goals are negotiated
  5. Acceptance of your “new” life

Getting Back to “Normal”

With all the emotions flying around your home, there are several simple, everyday

actions you can take to help get your home back to “normal”

  1. Welcome home your Guard member – make it special, include everyone in the activitiesof the day or week, but stay flexible and keep your Guard member’s transition in

    mind, as he/she is just as emotionally overwhelmed as you are.

  2. Be realistic – Know that separation changes people and their roles. Take the timeto get to know one another again. Enjoy that!
  3. Be prepared for mixed emotions – Your emotions at Reunion can be extremely strong,joyful and disenchanted. You simply have to accept that everyone is affected and

    you all have work together to get through the emotional rollercoaster ride.

  4. Don’t stop talking or listening – Talk about the Reunion through letters, socialmedia, phone calls, emails, etc. Chat about what you’re doing to prepare for their

    return and how you feel about it. Include the kids! Be honest and encourage any

    and all questions and feelings.

  5. Work on relationship issues – Spouses and couples need to rekindle their romanceand get to know each other again without family and friends around. Talk honestly

    with each other; let your partner know how you want to grow together again.

Operation R.E.A.D.Y.

This program stands for ‘Resources for Educating About Deployment and You’ and offers

Deployment Survival trainings which helps you understand what to expect during the

deployment and offers a checklist to ensure that you are more prepared for the upcoming

separation, as well as the new personal responsibilities.

To learn more about Reunion and Reintegration, please click here to visit our Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program.

For any specific questions, please contact your your Family Program Office

Strong Bonds

This program is a unit-based, chaplain-led program that helps Warriors and Families

build and maintain strong relationships. The program’s mission is to build Warrior

readiness by providing skills the Warrior can use to strengthen his or her marriage

or other relationships; available to Singles, Couples, Family, and Pre/post Deployment.

In order to maximize the training effect, this training is done in a retreat format;

where Warriors and Family members can “get away” in order to focus on

building important relationship skills.

For More information contact CH (MAJ) Quentin Collins and Ch, Maj, Colin Smith:


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