Since different Units may perform different functions for the National Guard, Unit missions will vary. Please contact your Unit Leadership or Full time staff in regards to their Unit Mission.
A successful Welcome allows for an interaction between all parties and a chance for questions and answers. It provides an understanding of the unit mission. It puts a face on the National Guard Program and that unit. It is the goal of all involved to ensure that it is a knowledgeable, confident and caring face. We want to help the Guard Member accomplish their mission while connecting our Guard Members, families, and community resources together.
Family Program Mission
To establish and facilitate ongoing communication, involvement, support, and recognition between National Guard families and the National Guard in a partnership that promotes the best in both.
The Briefing focus’s on the unit’s mission and the Family program mission and not on deployment. It is an overview of programs available to the families and what they need to know and understand at this stage in their transition into the Guard family.
Click Welcome Briefing to learn more. If you don’t have a PDF viewer, click the PDF Viewer link.