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Who does the Army Emergency Relief


Army Emergency Relief helps the following


  • Soldiers on extended active duty and their dependents.

  • Members of the Reserved Components of the Army (Army National Guard and

    U.S. Army Reserve) on continuous active duty for more than 30 days and their


  • Soldiers retired from active duty because of longevity or physical

    disability, or retired upon reaching age 60 (Reserve Components) and their


  • Widows/widowers and orphans of

    soldiers who died while on active duty or after they



Can Guardsmen apply for Air Force Aid



Air Force Aid Society (AFAS), https://www.afas.org/, is the official charity of the U.S. Air Force. Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve

personnel away from home station on extended active duty 15 days or more under

Title 10 USC are eligible for emergency assistance when the emergency is

incident to, or resulting from applicant’s active duty tour. This includes funeral expenses

incidental to the burial of a dependent spouse or child, within the limits of

the Society’s funeral grant program. AFAS will respond to genuine emergency situations and offer stabilizing

assists, but not long-standing needs caused by other factors such as previous

employment, poor home maintenance, or a serious mortgage delinquency.

Air National Guard Active Guard Reserve

(AGR) personnel serving under Title 32 USC are eligible for emergency assistance

in the categories of emergency travel due to illness (when a doctor is

requesting member’s presence) or death of an immediate family member (mother,

father, brother, sister) and funeral expenses incidental to the burial of a

dependent spouse or child, within limits of the Society’s funeral grant


Personnel on active duty for training ADT and away from home station will

be considered eligible for emergency assistance as if they were Title 32

AGR. Requests for car repairs

essential to return to home station will be considered on a case-by-case



Where can I

find Air National Guard career information?


With over 180 job

opportunities in the Air National Guard, you can find a career that’s right for

you. View the job listings by state

or unit locations, zip code reference, or job description. Your Air National Guard career

http://www.goang.com is only a click away.


How do I find

information about children and family



Children and Youth. This Web site provides a wide variety of

resources revolving around military child and youth
