
Registration Step: 1 2 3

By registering as a member, you will gain access to a wide range of National Guard Family Programs’ resources, information, and tools.

Begin by selecting one or more communities that best represents you. Please note, fields identified with an * are mandatory.

Community Details

National FP Paid Staff: Contract Manager, NGB-FP Staff, GFAP Administrator, GFAP Team Leader, GFTB Team Leader, Volunteer Training Coordinator, FRA Program Manager, NGB-FP Administrator, GFAP/GFTB Program Manager, NGCYP Regional Coordinator Family Program Paid Staff: SFPD, WFPC, FAC Supervisor, FAC Specialist, State Youth Coordinator, Family Readiness Asst,Family Program Asst Family Member: spouse, child, aunt/uncle, parent, sibling, cousin, girl/boy friend, grandparent Youth Volunteer Core: State advisory council member, Region/Senior command coordinator, FRG Chairperson, FRG Secretary, FRG Treasurer, GFAP Program Manager Service Member: Commander, Senior NCO (1SG/CSM), Family Liaison Officer (MPOC), Rear Detachment Commander, Service Member School Educators & Administrators: Superintendent , Councilor, School Administrator, Educator, Nurse, Coach, School Board, School Club Other: Partner organization, Sister service fam prog,Related organization, Research group/individual