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General Dennis J. Reimer Training and Doctrine Digital Library

The General Reimer Library
can be accessed at It has publications, field manuals, technical
manuals, correspondence courses, training publications, training plans, and
training aids from Army schools.

Library of Congress
The Library of Congress is the
nation’s oldest federal cultural institution. The Library preserves a collection
of nearly 121 million items, more than two-thirds of which are in media other
than books. You can find
information on military history as well as thousands of other topics. The
History Net at and
also contain historical information about the US military.


The Center of Military History traces
its functional lineage to the Civil War era and is established from an 1864
congressional authorization for the War Department to collect and publish the
military records of the Civil War.
In October 1962, Army Regulation 870-5, the first consolidated governance
of all of the service’s historical activities, was issued. Fiscal year 1963 saw the first issuance
of the annual Army Historical Program, which encompassed the historical
activities of OCMH and major commands and agencies. Beginning with the invasion of Panama in
1989, the Center has deployed uniformed historians in contingency
operations. CMH historians
collected documents and did oral history interviewing there and in Saudi Arabia,
Somalia, and Haiti. A historian is now deployed to Bosnia. In addition, the
Center sent Army artists to record contingency operations, including the
service’s role in disaster relief in the wake of Hurricane Andrew in Florida in

All of these operations, but most
especially the Persian Gulf War in 1991, brought the staff support function to
the fore as CMH historians turned out short-suspense information papers on
demand. CMH provided well over a hundred papers to the Pentagon and to the Army
in the field during the buildup and the operations of DESERT STORM.

On March 22, 1995, the Deputy Secretary of
Defense appointed the Army as the executive agent for the declassification of
all Persian Gulf War operational records. In May 1995, CMH became the office of
primary responsibility for this project within the Army and is proceeding with
the mission. The Center is also involved in planning for the implementation of
Executive Order 12958, regarding declassification more generally.

In 1995 CMH passed the fiftieth anniversary of the
establishment of the Historical Division – a milestone in the central historical
office’s history -virtually without remark. Yet there was an
observance in spirit. For the people of the Center of Military History expended
considerable effort during the year helping to commemorate the Army’s role in
the climactic events of World War II. They celebrated their own anniversary by
doing what they have always done: serving the United States Army.


Air Force

magazine, Air Force Print News, Air Force Radio News, Air Force TV News, fact
sheets, biographies, artwork, and links to other Air Force and DOD news can be
accessed at

Air Force Radio

Five-minute, weekday program providing latest Air Force news. Available to more than 1,700 commercial
radio stations via satellite. Also
available on Air Force Link at

Air Force Television News
Thirty-minute biweekly television program covering news and policy issues
available with closed captioning.
Shown at commander’s call, on public access cable channels and on the
American Forces Radio and Telephone Service. Also available on Air Force Link at

Air Force Print

The Air
Force news wire service providing Air Force and DOD news and information with
daily updates form around the world.
Available on Air Force Link at

and information magazine can be found Online at Unit subscriptions: [email protected]

Armed Forces Information

Department of Defense information and news source can be found at 

Armed Forces Press Service
Timely coverage of the key Defense activities and issues
that affect military service members, their families, and DoD civilians can be
found at .

Army Public

ArmyLINK News contains current Public Affairs press
releases and maintains a searchable historical database of previous releases.

Army Times
Every week, the print edition of Army
Times, delivers to you exclusive, original, in-depth news and analysis about
your career, pay and benefits and issues impacting your professional
advancement. In addition to vital career news, Army Times is packed with
community information and active lifestyle features of interest to Army
personnel and their families.


The Army & Air Force Hometown
News Service is a field-operating agency supporting the Secretaries of the Army
and Air Force Offices of Public Affairs.
Headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, the small staff of 40 Army and Air
Force military and civilian personnel produces a variety of print and electronic
news products highlighting the accomplishments, and worldwide activities of
individual soldiers and airmen.


At the center of are Inside Washington Publishers’ six defense
publications — Inside the Pentagon, Inside the Navy, Inside the Army, Inside
the Air Force, Defense Information and Electronics Report
and Inside
Missile Defense
. Inside FAA, an exclusive biweekly report on civil
aviation activities, is also available through Inside

National Guard

National Guard Magazine is the monthly
four-color journal published by the National Guard Association of the United
States for its membership. It
features articles of interest on Guard developments, information about
association activities, items about Guard members and Guard units. It also contains editorial columns by
the NGAUS president.


The Rand Corporation helps improve policy and decision making through research and analysis
by widely disseminating research findings. RAND (a contraction of the term
research and development) is the first organization to be called a “think tank.”
Today, RAND’s work is exceptionally diverse assisting
all branches of the U.S. military community.

Stars and

As the hometown newspaper for service
members, government civilians and their families in Europe, the Middle East,
Africa and the Pacific, Stars and Stripes offers the same type of national and
international news, sports and opinion columns found in newspapers in the United

Army Newspapers
A list of Army Newspapers and links to them can be found at

Department of Defense
Department of Defense (DefenseLINK)
News Briefings provide up to date stories and information about the armed

Soldiers OnLine
Soldiers OnLine is the
U.S. Army’s official monthly magazine, published and distributed in printed form
to an audience of more than 1 million readers. Soldiers Online provides timely and
factual command information on topics about the Army to the Army. It is written
for active, National Guard and Reserve soldiers, retirees, civilian employees
and family members. There are
Unofficial Publications of interest to military members. You can subscribe on-line to the
, The Retired Officer ,
Reserve Officers Association , American Legion

Air Base Newspapers
Air Base Newspapers can be accessed through . You may also
be interested in various Air Force periodicals that can be accessed through .

Air Force Military Magazines

Airman Magazine ,
Airpower Journal at,
AF Issues
are updated yearly and
can all be ordered on line or by writing to: New Orders Superintendent of
Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh PA 15250-7954.  

Air Force Magazine

Air Force Magazine at is the monthly journal of the Air Force Association and one of the
world’s foremost publications in the fields of defense and aerospace. From Air Force operations, programs, and
people to the exploits of Air Force heroes, the award-winning AIR FORCE
Magazine reports on important aerospace news and developments, and provides
authoritative background material.
AIR FORCE Magazine is the reference for the Air Force and
aerospace. Its special issues and
features include the Air Force Almanac and Space Almanac, special aircraft, and
informative charts.

Armed Forces Radio and Television Service

The Armed Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS) provides radio and television programs to almost 1 million
servicemen and women overseas, aboard ships at sea, and their family members. As
a major means of keeping U.S. troops and their families informed and entertained
when they are far from home, AFRTS distributes these programs to stations and
outlets by satellite, and on video and audiotape through the mail. AFRTS’
programming represents what is seen and heard in the United States and is
presented without censorship, propagandizing or manipulation.

Association of the United States Army

The Association of the United States Army (AUSA) is a private,
non-profit educational organization that supports America’s Army – Active,
National Guard, Reserve, Civilians, Retirees and family members. AUSA is open to all Army ranks and all components and
Department of the Army civilians, retirees, concerned citizens and family
members, community businesses and defense industries are also represented by

Military Officers Association of America

independent, nonprofit organization, Military Officers Association of America
(MOAA) is operated exclusively to benefit members of the uniformed
services-active duty, former and retired, National Guard and Reserve-and their
families and survivors. MOAA is dedicated to preserving their earned
entitlements and to maintaining a strong national defense.

Reserve Officers Association

Reserve Officers Association (ROA) represents Officers of the seven United States
Uniformed Services. The men and
women who serve our Nation in the cause of freedom need and deserve a voice in
creating government policy. ROA provides that voice. Respected, vigorous,
effective – ROA has a long list of policy accomplishments, and an ambitious
long-range program for the coming decade and

Air Force

The Air Force
Association (AFA) is an independent, nonprofit, civilian organization promoting
public understanding of aerospace power and the pivotal role it plays in the
security of the nation.
Air Force
1501 Lee Highway, Arlington VA 22209-1198 Phone: (703)

Air Force Sergeants Association

AFSA is the Air Force enlisted organization dedicated
to the people behind the stripes. The men and women behind the high tech
machinery, the military protocol, the daring maneuvers … the people who have
invested their lives in the cause of freedom in America.

Association of the National Guard of the United States

The Enlisted Association
of the National Guard of the United States can be found at Information about the “We Care for America Emergency Relief Fund” can be
found at the following links:

Application and Guidelines.

Guard Bureau

National Guard Bureau NGB forms, news and information,
including a weekly PowerPoint update on Guard activities

DOD Publications
DOD forms regulations, publications, reports, links to DOD
digital academic, installation, technical and medical libraries worldwide can be
found at