Resources and Links

Resources and Links


Resources and Linksline

The resources and links provided below can aid you in completing your education. Explore these links for information on financial aid, scholarships, and other topics of interest.

Air Force Crossroads

The Education section of the Air Force Crossroads Web site provides a wide range of information on educational institutions, services, and resources from around the world. Here are a few of the topics covered:

Virtual Armory/Crossroads of the Air National Guard

Sponsored by the Army National Guard, the Web site at is dedicated to providing useful information for soldiers, including links to information on educational benefits. Another useful site is Crossroads of the Air National Guard, sponsored by the I.G. Brown ANG Training and Education Center. Visit the site for further information.

Student Guide to Success

The Student Guide to Success offers professionally developed study courses on video and audiocassette to help ARNG members and their spouses — as well as civilian ARNG employees — prepare for CLEP and other exams. Many courses require payment of an administrative fee for spouses and civilian employees. A textbook may also be required. Materials can be ordered through your state ESC or online through the Army National Guard Institute.

Military Insider

The Insider Web site at includes numerous links to information on benefits available to Guard members and their spouses and families, including many pertinent education links. The site lists the following as the Top Five Education Links for Soldiers:


The site at includes numerous links to scholarships available to service members and their families, as well as many other pertinent financial assistance links.

Department of Defense Education Activity

The Department of Defense Education Activity (DoDEA) is a civilian agency of the U.S. Department of Defense. DoDEA operates 222 public schools in 15 districts located in 13 foreign countries, seven states, Guam, and Puerto Rico. Its Web site’s Financial Aid Resources page lists numerous scholarships available to military dependents.

American Military University

American Military University is one of the nation’s largest providers of higher education to the U.S. Armed Forces. More than 80 percent of American Military University’s (AMU) 12,000 students are active in the military. The curriculum, class delivery, and services are uniquely designed around the needs of military members.