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National Guard members and their families can obtain help at all of the following locations:

Program Joint









Family Program Joint Force Headquarters
Each state or territory has a Family Program Joint Force Headquarters Office staffed by a State Family Program Director (SFPD). These offices are the primary service locations for the Family Program. Here you can obtain information and referrals regarding benefits, entitlements, events, and programs.
City Address/Phone Links
St. Augustine DCSPER-FR, P.O. Box 1008
St. Augustine, FL 32085-1008

DSN #: (904) 823-0360
Fax #: (904) 823-0352
Toll Free #: (800) 226-0360

Family Web

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Wing Program Offices
Each Air National Guard Wing has a Family Program Office staffed with a Wing Coordinator. Wing Coordinators can provide information and referrals regarding benefits, entitlements, events, and programs.
Wing City Address/Phone Links
125 FW Jacksonville FL Air National Guard 125 FW/FR 14300 FANG Dr.
Jacksonville, FL 32218

Comm #: 904-741-7027

DSN #: 641-7027

Other #: cell: 904-703-9206

Family Web

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Family Assistance Centers (FACs)
The National Guard establishes Family Assistance Centers (FACs) during mobilizations and deployments. FACs provide outreach, emotional support, and referrals for families. They open and close as deployments begin and end. This list is updated every Thursday.

Note: An HQ icon denotes an FAC located at a Joint Headquarters Office.

City Address Phone

HQSt. Augustine

2305 State Road 207
St. Augustine, FL 32086
Ph: (800) 226-0360


700 NW 28th Street
Miami, FL 33127-4096
Ph: (305) 684-1092


8385 Daetwyler Dr.
Orlando, FL 32827
Ph: (321) 231-0102


400 West Meadow Street
Leesburg, FL 34748-5176
Ph: (352) 516-7109

Panama City

3121 North Lisenby Avenue
Panama City, FL 32406-5009
Ph: (850) 596-2683


1225 Easterwood Drive
Tallahassee, FL 32311-3599
Ph: (850) 528-9476

Camp Blanding, Starke

Rt. 1 Box 465
Camp Blanding, Starke, FL 32091-9307
Ph: (904) 814-4489


2890 Ringling Boulevard
Sarasota, FL 34237-5398
Ph: (941) 809-4096

Pinellas Park

2801 Grand Ave Room NG 105
Pinellas Park, FL 33782-6140
Ph: (813) 376-6463
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