South Carolina

Local Resources Result

South Carolina

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National Guard members and their families can obtain help at all of the following locations:

Program Joint









Family Program Joint Force Headquarters
Each state or territory has a Family Program Joint Force Headquarters Office staffed by a State Family Program Director (SFPD). These offices are the primary service locations for the Family Program. Here you can obtain information and referrals regarding benefits, entitlements, events, and programs.
City Address/Phone Links
Columbia TAG-FP-Stop 1, 1 National Guard Rd.
Columbia, SC 29201

DSN #: (803) 806-4387
Fax #: (803) 806-4210 / 583-4210
Toll Free #: (888) 888-1674

Family Web

Family News

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Wing Program Offices
Each Air National Guard Wing has a Family Program Office staffed with a Wing Coordinator. Wing Coordinators can provide information and referrals regarding benefits, entitlements, events, and programs.
Wing City Address/Phone Links
169FW Eastover 1325 S. Carolina Rd., #28
Eastover, SC 29044-5028

Comm #: 803-647-8089

DSN #: 583-8089

Other #:

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Family Assistance Centers (FACs)
The National Guard establishes Family Assistance Centers (FACs) during mobilizations and deployments. FACs provide outreach, emotional support, and referrals for families. They open and close as deployments begin and end. This list is updated every Thursday.

Note: An HQ icon denotes an FAC located at a Joint Headquarters Office.

City Address Phone


1 National Guard Road
Columbia, SC 29201
Ph: (803) 806-1750


725 S. Parsonage St
Bennetsville, SC 29512
Ph: (843) 479-2521


Hwy 28 Bypass
Abbeviile, SC 29620
Ph: (803) 806-1935


10311 Gardners Ferry Road
Eastover, SC 29290
Ph: (803) 806-1739

Myrtle Beach

19th Avenue South
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
Ph: (803) 806-1953


Nichols Road
Lancaster, SC 29720
Ph: (803) 286-0357

North Charleston

7220 Cross County Road
North Charleston, SC 29418
Ph: (843) 552-1033/1066


105 Old Woodruff Road
Greer, SC 29652
Ph: (864) 877-2572


P.O. Box 113
Hemmingway, SC 29554
Ph: (803) 806-1971
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